1.) Why Is Voluntary Blood Donation Encouraged? In the days of blood communicable infections, Repeat voluntary donors who donate without any form of remuneration are the cornerstone of a safe and adequate blood supply..
2.) Why Cannot One Donate Before 18 Yrs? I Physiologically there is no harm but in our country 18 years is the legal age.
3.) Why Is 3 Months Interval Required between Two Donations? Although the lost blood is replenished within 6 weeks, an additional 6 weeks is required for the safety of the donor
4.) Can One Contract HIV Or Hepatitis By Donating Blood? One cannot contract HIV or hepatitis by donating blood as only sterile items and disposables are used during the donation process
5.) How Long Can Blood Be Preserved In Blood Bank? Blood can be preserved for 35 days or 42 days depending on the type of blood bag used for storage.
6.) Does One Feel Weak After Donating Blood? Blood donation does not have any adverse effects on the body and one can go back to work soon after donation.
7.) What Tests Are Performed Before Blood Donation? A general physical examination like Weight check, Hemoglobin estimation , Blood Pressure and Pulse check, Respiratory system and temperature is performed before donation to ensure suitability of the blood donor.
8.) What Laboratory Tests Are Performed On The Donated Blood? Hepatitis B surface antigen, Hepatitis C virus, Malarial parasite, HIV virus, Blood Group, Antibody screening test and Cross matching (Compatibility test) are performed.
9.) Why Are The Above Tests Not Performed Before Donation? The above tests are time consuming and would result in a long waiting period for the blood donor.
10..) Why Do Blood Banks Avoid Directed Donations From Relatives? Husband’s blood given to wife can lead to antibody formation causing problems to the fetus in future. Blood from any blood relative such as father, mother, children, siblings can lead to serious medical complications. Additionally, close relations may not always disclose high risk history in front of other relatives..